Only Small Actors

Just another weblog

Snow Day? January 11, 2011

Filed under: Jenntertainment — jenntertainment @ 12:43 pm
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     So CEMA announced a “Winter Weather Warning” lasting until ten o’clock this morning, due to “potential for black ice” and “possible inclement weather.” The city of Savannah has ceased to function; government offices are closed, schools were delayed until 11am, and grocery stores are sold out of bottled water, toilet paper and ‘lite’ beer. Children of stay-at-home moms are celebrating Savannah’s version of a snow day over homemade waffles and hot chocolate, while working parents are suffering through an impromptu bring-your-kid-to-work-day. Naturally, it is a beautifully crisp winter day, with nary a snowflake or raindrop in sight.
     Where does this leave me? My morning field trip was cancelled because of the school delay, and I have found myself with four hours of nothing to do. Okay, not “nothing.” I have plenty to do, but I’m refusing to do it on the grounds that I wasn’t planning on accomplishing anything extra during my field trip. I am considering the next four hours to be the weather system’s way of telling me to take the morning off from all work-related activities. Oh, the possibilities!
     It is during times like these that I realize why I have so little time to myself. I haven’t done any laundry or exercise videos, and I haven’t taken down my Christmas tree (don’t judge me until February) or cleaned out my car. Instead, I have made and consumed a pot of coffee, read everyone’s status on Facebook, finished yesterday’s crossword puzzle, and watched a construction crew build the frame of the house behind me. They may very well be the only people in the city of Savannah currently doing their jobs.
     My job is, thankfully, indoors. This month I get to teach over sixty hours of dance, perform twelve different field trip musicals, choreograph a teen production of Pippin (which might sound really lame, but these kids rock the house)  and, you know, generally inspire the youth of America to great artistic achievement. How cool is that? But I don’t have to do any of it until tomorrow, which is even cooler. 🙂